Sunday, July 11, 2010

Doctor with a capital letter "D"!

Really really long time:):)...I guess and I accept that I was just toolazy to type:):)Actually after those treacherous exams of mine,I thought maybe I'd go into hibernation for quite sometime:):)
was just generally lost in thoughts.I seemed to remember the day when I finished my 12th standard..and whooped with joy,that everything was over.:)I just remember vividly coming back home,eating to my heart's content and sleeping:)of course the ensuing 6 months were the most boring no doubt in that at all because I had absolutely nothing to do!An idle mind is a devil's workshop..A very famous saying and I have to agree with t.Those 6 months I did all random things went for paatu class,read books,went for a holiday,learnt cooking(ok,,close your mouths people!I do know how to cook with help only though!,I pestered people at home,pulled everyone's legs!sounds fun na?but,honestly those were exasperating days!
Now,I wouldn't call myself as a an extremely focused person,with my nose 24 hours inside a book or anything like that.I never had a clue what I wanted from life in those 6 months.I was aimless,and this frustrated me.Doctor,engineer,BA lit?Nothing,I was so blank!I detested my lethargy and I kept putting off having to think about my future.
That was when I one day remembered an incident as a child telling my parents I want to become a doctor.They just smiled it off,as it was just a child's whims and fancies!.But,when I did get a chance to do MBBS.I was apprehensive,I wasn't really ready to come into terms with my childhood fancy.I didn't really know what to do.I was filled with lots and lots of questions!I kept them to myself,guess inside I even had the hope that I am not going to be offered a seat!
Off I went.and I was indeed offered a seat!I was shocked,my father was so very proud it was written all over his face,my mom cried with happiness!I was still in a state of shock.I didn't want to come out of my protective cocoon of being at home.
People keep telling me wherever I go and I tell them MBBS,they are like AHHHHH!God....tough la??Am like yeah tell me something new!!!!!!!
S,I entered college with lots of inhibitions rather than confidence.Rated as the toughest course I really didn't know whether to feel proud or cry in dismay:):):)...I got new friends and great friends that too .
But,yes MBBS is a strain to the body,mind everything.You have to slog slog and slog.You shouldn't be repelled by sights,have a strong mind,heart everything!Every exam is so taxing so punishing that every time you feel like giving it up,turn back and walk off..At this point I do not know how many of my friends would agree with me.
But every one am sure reaches a saturation point sits down keeps the books and tears the hair in frustration!Often during those times of trial I have thought,Do I really need to pass through this rigmarole?why do I need to suffer so much?Why do I even bother?Why am I spoiling my health?why?why?why?...I also wonder at those patients who come with problems and diseases..they are so full of pain and suffering and I learn from their suffering:(:(
It's like as though someone has tossed me into a washing machine and I emerge out drained and tired.All of us look miserable during those times dark circles,droopy eyes,tired sad faces.It's really a misery.
Not that I don't have fun in college!College,spells fun for me!.Awesome fun!But its just these taxing times which makes me reflect!
Coming to the fact,whether I regret this decision of taking up this course!....No,I do not.Come what may at the end of the day I realise that I would never ever have been happy elsewhere!...At the end of the day when I think about those patients who are so cooperative and jocularly tell us when we are chatting with them that in the future they'd cme to us,when I think of my granndmom fondly hugging me and saying I am proud of you,when I think of my parents with their eyes full of pride,when someone says she is a doctor,when I have that stethoscope around my neck,I think maybe everything is worth it after all!!!...
I know that come what may I will be happy and satisfied at the end of everything!Kudos to all the doctors everywhere in the world!!!and t all my friends!!Because every time an exam begins we just want it to end!..Till another exam comes up....:):):).......toodlesssssss