Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Friend?or an end?

Long time huh?Having holidays now,and globetrotting if I can call it that!Made a trip to Singapore and Kuala Lumpur1Was terrific!Loved Singapore.Marveled at its greenery,cleanliness,modern ways,buildings,monuments,people,music,food,places,roads practically everything:):)...Maybe will elaborate on it in the next blog entry.
I do not call myself a poet.No never.Yes I do write poems on subjects really close to my heart,but am not a poet.Now I actually am going to write a poem.I guess whoever is Reading this will understand the contents and the meaning of my poem.No,I do not want to publicise my poem.I am just writing it in the hope that whomever this poem is intended for,they get the point.So,here goes for nothing

Where are you My dear friend?
Is it after all a sad end?
I sit thinking,of beautiful days,
Have we gone in separate ways?

Remember that winter?the fun we had?
We drove all the people around us mad!
We played together,studied together,gossiped!
But today there you are sitting tight lipped!

Ours was the Best friendship ever,we swore!
But that i guess was written in water!
I give excuses on your behalf which I know are useless
But it gives my wounded heart some comfort,nevertheless!

Is our relation that's all to you?
I secretly nicknamed ourselves as Piglet and Pooh!:)
I used to think how lucky I am!
To be friends with someone as close as butter and jam!

Do you remember those endless conversations on the phone?
When shouted at by our parents,we used to reduce our tone!
Those endless conversations at nights?
Those silly little,tear jerking fights?

Is it all like an act?that come down the curtains,we leave?
Oh pity it is,that I miss you so,
What right do you have to just let go?

I think of this Friendship with fond remembrance.
Do not even you have a little bit of grievance?
there used to never be a day without talking to you.
And now you do not even want to talk to me for a minute or two.

Have you forgotten me?I look at my phone eagerly,
But I do not see any message or call from you,I shut my phone miserably!
Get back to me oh dear friend!
Am I now looking at a dead end?

I write this to you with love!To you this message I send,
From a friend who forever wants to be your friend!

Hoping that the person really understands the depth of my feelings!I write this poem,it might be monotonous,long,sad,useless whatever!...But it is a poem written with a lot of love!
Have a great week!take care!tatatatata

1 comment:

  1. sne baby i had a tear in my eyes after reading this....
