Saturday, November 6, 2010

Life goes on...

Long Long Long time:):):)...Lets just say that my laziness knows no bounds and when it comes to typing!!!!....Oh God am just too lazy for my own good..Time and Tide wait for no Man..
It has never ceased to amaze me....what??Time....Time flies and seconds and minutes just pass off and when you know it bloody hell the whole day is over!!!It was just in 2008,that I remember handing over my last Exam(Biology)paper to the examiner.Wow,I would quote that as one of the best moments in Life.I was broadly grinning at the examiner who must have thought I am Bonkers!But little did I care.I remember coming out and doing a victory jig symbolising that yes,I was officially out of the 12 Th standard torture!the ensuing 6 months were damn boring,but that apart ,yes Time just went by.
Then I remember my counselling,man was I nervous.But I got through and when I i did I remember being wrapped up into a tight hug from my father as his joy knew no bounds as they were ushering in a doctor after like how many ever generations!Then too,mixed emotions happiness sadness?fear of meeting new people,making new friends,feeling comfortable,developing a rapport!Phew everything mattered!!
I remembering entering my formidable college with a worrisome face,a frown,and total unhappiness.I frankly did not want to fly away from the cozy nest called School!Ha ha ha the funniest part is I even remember not wanting to go to school!I thought school was scary too...But then we all grow to love our school after sometime and when we are used to it.Years passed and school became a second home.
I often wonder at human nature,we are hesitant and reluctant to start with something and then as time goes by we grow to love and come to depend on what we do.It becomes as natural as breathing to us.And when it is time to let go of it again our emotions goes havoc:):)Guess that's how we are made!
I was reluctant to got to college and I had a million thoughts and Zillions of prohibitions and the same went with school.But now I know that I have come to love both with an intensity very strong.Is it because I have to love it(because theres no other way,coz am stuck here till whatever time) or is it because I have genuinely come to love the people,whatever I am doing,the ambiance I am in?.
You might say Oh my God.Why is Sneha mokkai potufying?But seriously just sit and think of it.Somethings or some people we don't even know or not even heard of assume importance and become integral parts of our lives by the game of Fate,We don't even realise Time slipping past through us.and when we realise it, its ust too late.
I wish I had the powers to make Time static and make a day standstill without progressing.I wish I could get back rewind and amend the mistakes I have made or at least if it was something happy,live those moments again.I wish I could fast forward all those moments in life which I don't really want to face.But then again,Life that's what it means right.I personally think its the dismal weather which is making me think this philosophically,but am damn sure that theres someone out there who would have definitely thought along the same lines.Till then.Signing off.Have a great weekend.Toodles

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