Tuesday, March 30, 2010

A new week!!a new Beginning:).Had been to Chennai and God was it hot or what?Phew..couldn't just wait to get back to Coimbatore and yes promptly today evening,the scorching sun gave way to those clouds and there was this utterly blissful breeze lulling many people to sleep after an exhausting day in the heat.I was one among those many people to sleep!
But before sleeping, i just went out and sat and looked around!.What i saw was beautiful!..Nature at her best!.there was this Darkness because it was cloudy,like it was threatening to rain,The clouds forming haphazardly wonderful designs were moving around here and there,The trees were happy too:).They expressed their happiness by swaying with the breeze as though they were dancing with joy.The fallen leaves which were making those crunching noises when i stepped on them also felt like music to my ears!
Its no exaggeration when they say that Nature is a balm to a wounded soul!..Ok my Soul is not wounded and all!But i was able to understand Her glory!.I am not a poet,but lines came rushing into my mind when I saw this vision!.Just picture this a fabulous evening and sitting out amidst the breeze,The trees. My hair was all around in tangles!My hair tickling my face and going into my nose and irritating me!But none of this bothered me because i was staring open mouthed at this picturesque scene!
My God!Beautiful isn't what i would describe it!i am at a loss for words to describe Her beauty.I wished at that moment If only I had been a painter at least I could have captured her beauty with my paint brush!but even that would have been, in my opinion been insufficient!
I realise that i really never till today bothered to appreciate Nature because i was so called "busy".I realise that Nature gives us those little moments where we really marvel at her!
I remember these opening lines from my favourite poem "Leisure"
"What is this life.if full of care?
We do not have the time to stand and stare?"
This is what it comes to at the end!.Nature keeps reminding us that I am always here,it is you who never bothered to look at me before!.I saw this today and I really really thought that i have to wrie this down!Great week!tata!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Musings Of A Wandering Mind

Another week gone by.Why is it that time zooms away so fast racing way ahead?This week was not very eventful exams,exams,exams!!I think my whole life am going to spend writing exams forever!
I have often wondered,you know the times i have been really happy and hyper,what does it feel like to be really sad low and lonely?At that time i would just laugh at myself and shun my thoughts to the back of my mind.Not very often do i get into those moods of mine where I feel extremely sad and lonely,so i thought maybe this time I'll pen it down so at least i can read my own thoughts about my feelings.
Theres this feeling of utmost sadness,people forgotten and buried deep into my brain surface out and memories haunt me.Memories at which I laugh,I cry.I reach out to those memories which just slip through my fingers reminding me that it is nothing but stored information.Its like i have phased out of reality,people are walking with me but i do not realise it and i keep walking in a world of my own filled with thoughts.I am preoccupied with things, that I do not realise that people are talking to me.I jolt out of my reverie to see that people are looking at me weirdly deciding for sure that i have gone nuts!
Alone that I am,I muse to myself,talk to myself and scold myself for whatever it is that i have done.Why is there this heavy feeling in my heart?Tears trickle down without my knowledge and drop down into my open palm,i realise the tear drop in my hand and put a hand to my face and feel the moistness.Tears shed for someone for some memory,those happy days for which i long but have lost!My school,my friends,togetherness,fights at which i laugh now,those mischiefs,standing and gossiping in the corridor till the principal comes out and gives us a dose!,the passage near the toilet,the labs,the water doctors in the labs,my teachers who forever are unable to control my unruly class,the board,my desk....the list is endless.I remember those colourful days,and tell myself to be happy with those everlasting memories.
I relive every moment with joy and wonder where all my schoolmates,my teachers are?I may be in contact with my school friends but its never like being together.A new day will dawn tomorrow and am surely going to be fine.But will those memories so full of colours so full of life ever fail to make me sad?I look at my slam book and autograph book where we have made silly promises to see each other and all.Now i realise that those were promises written on water!Today all of us are so busy,SO SELFISH,that we do not have time for anyone or anything!
I ask myself when was the last time i stopped and listened to the birds sing,the rain patter,the rustling of leaves,the things silence wants to say,good songs!I tell myself it has been a long time!Life has become so mechanical and so rigid and so goal oriented that I realise that I have failed to enjoy those small beautiful things Life actually offers but which we opt to just throw away!
I really do not know why i chose to write something like this today,maybe we could say it is the Musings Of A Wandering Mind!...Those tears continue to fall as I remember those beautiful memories forever...reminding me of those unshed ones!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

What a Week!

A week gone by in a blur!...Monday comes and kick starts a week with sad lazy faces and there comes Friday with happy faces..!man time flies...hmmm this week...Would not call it eventful..it was an ok ok week!
Actually am posted in the Paediatrics Department right now....Its actually true to Say that its really very very sad to see kids suffer!...those tender sweet little kids...running about with bandages or watever.is really very depressing..But there they are as they will always be..cheerful,innocent,happy Little cute muffins always greeting you with a smile!of course its not true for all the kids!.there are some of them..who cry cr and keep crying!poor little darlings must be the pain!and they do not even know how to express it!.but the ward as such is lively full of laughter,noise,crying,chatting..but its full of life!..So it was a Wednesday and had gone along with ma friend to see a case.It was Gokul whom i met..a 6 month old baby boy.who was fast asleep...one look at Gokul and anyone could say that there was something very wrong with him...Standing beside his cradle was his amma Sasikala.a small woman with a smile on her face..she told us that Gokul was a different child and his Brain and CNS had failed to attain the development of a 6 month old!...
Further investigations told us that Gokul's amma had not had a supervised pregnancy!.In today's world even a person with least amount of education knows that pregnancy is such a vital and dynamic period..where visits to the doctor is necessary!you do not need to be an extremely learned person to know this!But because of family feuds because of an unaccepted love marriage this woman neglected her going to her doctor because of her fight with her family...in that course she compromised on her health not only hers but also Gokul's!...the Docs say that it might be one of the reasons for Gokul's condition!why???in the name of love,family,relationships,did the parents have to sacrifice the colourful life of Gokul...
Angry was what i was!but helpless..i was I stood looking at Gokul...who slept....oblivious to his future...Daily I visit him..praying in vain!...
Thats all to my blog for now...maybe an awareness or something in villages might help i don't know!...God knows how many more children like Gokul might be out there!...

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Paracetamol??Oh God!!!

Happy Ugadhi..to everyone out there!!i asked Madhurima a very dear friend of mine...how do you actually wish people in telugu.she went like Ugadhi Shubhakankshalu!and there i was u know flaunting off the new addition in ma vocabulary of very very poor telugu!!..and ma appa was extremely impressed and told me something back in telugu for which i had no answer!!hmmph...so much for showing off!!...
yesterday was a great day all in all.I got up Late,was lazing around,was pestering ma amma and paati at home...so much so that amma went like "why did they actually give you a holiday to day?"lol:):)..Then amma felt somewhere mid afternoon that i definitely needed a bath because paati was grumbling "endha kaalath kuttigal...naanga ellam kaarthala ezhundhu kulichuduvom!"..hmm then ate ma heart out at home...woww ammas food!!...and slept....:):)and then went out and again hogged ma life out at Agarwals chat corner!!...so half the time i kept eating the whole day!!!
Coming to the topic i have selected...Paracetamol!...ok..this was like a few weeks ago..In college the schedule is such that..we have exams every week...excluding the third week..which happens to be this week..it was the week of Pharmacology..and trust me there were a lot of medicines to remember!such that i was turning crazy...i started sticking notes in ma book,fridge,room,hand!and all that...i guess i was learning about Paracetamol...and am this kinda person..like if i study something i kinda start viualising it and think about it and all that...so i think when i was learning about Paracetamol..these round white drugs were doing a ballet dance in ma brain..and i was kind of rewinding and taking a walk down the memory lane as to how many times i have taken Paracetamol...that was exactly when ma amma...was tellin me something...i really don't remember what...and then she was like Sneha Sneha...and i looked directly at her with this real blank look on ma face and went like "paracetamol".i jus said that alone...and went back to dreaming again.Amma was shocked!she started grumbling that i have become eccentric after joining MBBS....
Thats it from ma side for today i guess!!!...actually many of ma friends are betting that i am not goona keep writing blogs and just drop it after sometime...lets see..whats gonna happen..i maself am curious to know what i am gonna do!!!!...buh byee ppl...and have a great week!! !!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Looney Life!!

hello..i really dont know how to start..or how to introduce maself or anything..ok i guess here it goes..am Sneha..and am doin ma 2nd year MBBS..in psg coimbatore..
i really really had absolutely no plans of starting a blog..infact..the time these blogs were an obsession..i used to really look down on it..and say"waste of time!"...u might be really wondering why is the title of this blog Looney Life!..but this is one of the reasons..am doing something now..which i did not actually like before..lol!life is crazy at times....
at school...writing poems essays stories were ma passion but i guess after joining college...ma passion is writing Exams!... i spent a loongg time on ma big fat pillow like books...and shunned all the other activities to the corner...:):)they all took a backseat..yup a year passed..and i passed too!!!..
Few days back..was just thinkin...random thoughts,school life,poems,fun,competitions,how we guys used to enjoy life...i kinda thought about it and felt...maybe a blog would be ideal for me to share ma views,ideas,and maybe ma take on life...
I dont claim maself...to be a great author....:):).but i just hope..that something in ma blog..might actually...trigger..some kinda similar thingy which happened to you also...
so toodles..thats it i guess..!..more than enough for an introductory blog and for an amateur blogger!..take care and tata!!