Monday, March 15, 2010

Looney Life!!

hello..i really dont know how to start..or how to introduce maself or anything..ok i guess here it Sneha..and am doin ma 2nd year psg coimbatore..
i really really had absolutely no plans of starting a blog..infact..the time these blogs were an obsession..i used to really look down on it..and say"waste of time!"...u might be really wondering why is the title of this blog Looney Life!..but this is one of the doing something now..which i did not actually like!life is crazy at times....
at school...writing poems essays stories were ma passion but i guess after joining passion is writing Exams!... i spent a loongg time on ma big fat pillow like books...and shunned all the other activities to the corner...:):)they all took a backseat..yup a year passed..and i passed too!!!..
Few days back..was just thinkin...random thoughts,school life,poems,fun,competitions,how we guys used to enjoy life...i kinda thought about it and felt...maybe a blog would be ideal for me to share ma views,ideas,and maybe ma take on life...
I dont claim be a great author....:):).but i just hope..that something in ma blog..might actually...trigger..some kinda similar thingy which happened to you also...
so toodles..thats it i guess..!..more than enough for an introductory blog and for an amateur blogger!..take care and tata!!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Welcome to the Blogosphere!

    word of caution: Try making full sentences. Will be easy on oldies like me! :D

    Have fun!!
