Sunday, April 11, 2010

From Darkness To Light

Another week gone!.Fading away and giving way to a brand new week!.

There are certain times,I really want to be Invisible!You know have an invisibility cloak like Harry Potter or something!But,during these times I just want to go into oblivion!I feel like taking cover in darkness!I want to hide beneath those blankets and never want to peep out of it.I justify this by saying,Sneha it is a big bad world out there,everyone is Selfish!Anyway you are going to feel worse!
I feel miserable and take comfort in darkness which comforts me.I sit and think of the people who drove me into this dark corner!I hate this feeling and I know I want to be out of this!But,am helpless memories of that same person shrouds me!surrounds me and keeps driving me crazy!
I keep looking at my phone if there is some message or some sort that is going to bring me out of this rigmarole!But no,nothing awaits me in my phone!I curse everyone and draw back into my corner vowing never to see My phone again!But sad that it is,I again go and check my phone!
Why this feeling of helplessness?I absolutely detest this feeling and scold myself for this feeling!Then suddenly I decide to check my phone for the last time!There it is!A message just for me!.With the symbol of a letter blinking away indicating that maybe I can put away my invisibility cloak or burrow deeper into it!
The message says come what may I am always there for you!I smile throw away my invisibility cloak and put on the lights in my room and kick the blankets away!
That's all!Sometimes you just need to hear a few comforting words,A pat on the back,or a big hug,a smile,a comforting word,a shoulder,A handkerchief,a silent reassurance!It makes a big difference.When you are lost in a crowd,and you see someone you know and familiar,that feeling is just indescribable!It is the same funda over here!
There have been instances when I have been part of a crowd that considers me invisible,at that time there will be this someone who will just give me that smile am yearning for.After that I don't care if the people I am with ignore me,because of that one smile!
We are not always lucky to have such friends who can make the saddest ,gloomiest day into a bright one!But,during these miserable times a smile even from a stranger can be comforting!
I just hope to God that He gives me friends who will never ever let me put on that invisibility cloak and will always be there whenever i want them and tell me in my ears that"Am Always there!"

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