Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Why?How?..Fine just leave it!

A week gone by as usual:):).It always amazes me that time flies so very fast!.Guess that's how it is:).Wasn't a very bad week after all.
We had this Microbiology Exam where like you know out of a strength of 80,about 40 of us turned up.The Exam hall looked so paavam without anyone!
A matter which has never ever ceased to amaze is human nature itself!Yes,absolutely right what I mean is, "People".We keep changing like seasons,no i don't even think seasons is the right comparison.People change every minute of their life!What they are today,they never will be tomorrow!I talk to someone today may it be my friends,whatever they are never the same tomorrow!
Every second people have these weird mood swings!And if its not a very lucky day,we might have to bear the brunt of their wrath!I often wonder at these times at the rudeness of people's behaviour when they aren't in a good mood.I am not saying am any better!even i spit fire when am really really irritated!but why?Why aren't we able to control those emotions of utmost happiness and utmost sadness?And be the same always?
The answer is very obvious,if we were to be the same always there would be no masala in life!Life would be that monotonous thing with everyone wearing masks of similar expressions!Life I would say now is a major soap(namma Meaga Tv Serials!)with laughter,tears,happiness,hyperness,sadness,misery,jealousy,ego,greed,love!everything!
There are these certain questions which can never ever be answered at all! These questions don't demand an answer at all,but you can keep pondering on it like for hours together.Maybe my question is one of such kind!
What triggered me to write this?Yes,this has always been something which has plagued my mind as to why we can't just take things casually,normally,lightly?Why do we analyse dig,dig and dig!all these lead to nothing but further confusion leading to delirium!I met this certain person today(name shall not be disclosed!) who actually is my really really good friend,i don't know why but this person behaved really very weird and hesitated to actually even talk to me properly!I was taken aback because this person can talk 135 words/minute and actually was today struggling to talk about 12 words continuously!.This lead to a string of thoughts in my mind as to why people are like this and hence this blog!
Guess it just leads to say that,with every move of the hand of the clock our thoughts also change!PH D's are being done on so many complicated topics,but I think personally no one can study this complex,mind boggling,puzzling,exasperating aspect called "Moods of People". That's all to pen,ok keyboard:)Great week!

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