Tuesday, March 30, 2010

A new week!!a new Beginning:).Had been to Chennai and God was it hot or what?Phew..couldn't just wait to get back to Coimbatore and yes promptly today evening,the scorching sun gave way to those clouds and there was this utterly blissful breeze lulling many people to sleep after an exhausting day in the heat.I was one among those many people to sleep!
But before sleeping, i just went out and sat and looked around!.What i saw was beautiful!..Nature at her best!.there was this Darkness because it was cloudy,like it was threatening to rain,The clouds forming haphazardly wonderful designs were moving around here and there,The trees were happy too:).They expressed their happiness by swaying with the breeze as though they were dancing with joy.The fallen leaves which were making those crunching noises when i stepped on them also felt like music to my ears!
Its no exaggeration when they say that Nature is a balm to a wounded soul!..Ok my Soul is not wounded and all!But i was able to understand Her glory!.I am not a poet,but lines came rushing into my mind when I saw this vision!.Just picture this a fabulous evening and sitting out amidst the breeze,The trees. My hair was all around in tangles!My hair tickling my face and going into my nose and irritating me!But none of this bothered me because i was staring open mouthed at this picturesque scene!
My God!Beautiful isn't what i would describe it!i am at a loss for words to describe Her beauty.I wished at that moment If only I had been a painter at least I could have captured her beauty with my paint brush!but even that would have been, in my opinion been insufficient!
I realise that i really never till today bothered to appreciate Nature because i was so called "busy".I realise that Nature gives us those little moments where we really marvel at her!
I remember these opening lines from my favourite poem "Leisure"
"What is this life.if full of care?
We do not have the time to stand and stare?"
This is what it comes to at the end!.Nature keeps reminding us that I am always here,it is you who never bothered to look at me before!.I saw this today and I really really thought that i have to wrie this down!Great week!tata!


  1. i lik a startin!!"A new week!!n a new Beginning:)" its 4m a song "A new life,n a new Beginning etc:)" litsn to it if possib..anyways if u can paint , u hav a 3mp mobil cam tak piks!! :) nice week enjoy:)

  2. n nice explanations abt d natur!! do som poems too:) y ds mbbs life??:)

  3. u sound like a poet!I should really begin to observe things around!:)
